Body Utban - 100gms

With 22 ayurvedic herbs, Moonwake Body Ubtan is meant to exfoliate, brighten & soften skin. The most effective way to use is to take desired amount of product in a glass/ wooden/ ceramic bowl, combine it with solvents like milk, cream of milk, yoghurt, oil of choice or just water, mix & leave aside for 10 minutes to let the hydrate & get activated. Apply the Ubtan all over body, scrubbing in slow circular motions. leave on for 5 minutes and used your palms to scrape off the ubtan from the skin. Wash off with water. For best results, do not use soap after.

The absence of essentials oils and harsh chemicals of any sort makes it safe to be used for babies as well as during pregnancy.

  • Price : Rs. 550
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